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FEAR AND ANXIETY…D.Lama, Winnegrad

                                             FEAR AND ANXIETY can be a major obstacle to achieving our goals. The Dalai Lama said; “I think we first need to recognize that there are many different types of FEAR. Some are genuine. Then  there are other types of our own mental creations. My theory of reducing worry is; […]

WISDOM IS LIFE’S GIFT…J.Marshall,Winnegrad

                               Life demands that we exercise perseverance, face adversity with courage, demonstrate fortitude in the midst of temptation, tell the truth no matter how painful, walk in humility, sacrifice for our families, practice generosity to be truly rich, respect all who are part of the GREAT CIRCLE OF LIFE, choose […]


                                   The following are some phrases that I live by and also taught some students to try and also accept in their lives. 1. Learning is in the process not in the outcome. 2. Start saying “WE” and get used to it. Start showing your HUMILITY. 3. If you do […]


                                      I received this song from a very dear friend. The song was written for Clint Eastwood’s 88th Birthday by Toby Keith. Toby asked Clint, “how do you keep going?” Clint answered by telling him, “each morning I get up and DON’T LET THE OLD MAN IN.” This advice is definitely […]