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I heard the DELIGHTFUL news, on television, that 40% of adults sleep with a stuffed animal. I was so delighted to hear this, being that I am one of the 40%. I must admit I didn’t start this until my older years. As those that get older, into the next chapter of their book, some acquire other features. Characteristics of getting older, such as; pain, weakness, balance, etc. Sitting in a room with a sliding glass door, feeling sad and saying “why”?

Standing by the glass door looking at me was a FOX. He didn’t move, he just stared at me. I realized then that the Zuni Native Americans spiritual qualities for the FOX was, PROTECTION and accepting to blend in. I was DELIGHTED to know that I am being protected by the FOX and that I should blend into the next chapter of life. The FOX woke me up with joy. Sometimes the brain has to wake the heart up with DELIGHT.

Life is always sending messages, try to be alert so the heart can receive them. Since that day I obtained a lovely stuffed toy FOX. It has comforted me daily since then, day and night. I’m DELIGHTED to be one of the 40%.



ron winnegrad

Ron Winnegrad has been a Perfumer and teacher for 46 years. As a perfumer, Ron has been able to express the world he sees through a rainbow of olfactive and emotive visions. As a teacher, Ron has helped others to see fragrance through his own multi sensorial lens.

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