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ron winnegrad

Ron Winnegrad has been a Perfumer and teacher for 46 years. As a perfumer, Ron has been able to express the world he sees through a rainbow of olfactive and emotive visions. As a teacher, Ron has helped others to see fragrance through his own multi sensorial lens.


                                                 ALL CHILDREN SHOULD BE SHOWN THIS POST AS WELL AS ADULTS. BEING DIFFERENT was posted 3 years ago, I absolutely feel it needs repeating in these times. BEING DIFFERENT as the following says, harms no one. It is DIFFICULT being thought to be DIFFERENT or to be seen as […]

“A MOUNTAIN”..Winnegrad

                                             Everybody, children and adults always have “A MOUNTAIN” in front of them. This is what is called the constant challenges of life. We are sometimes overwhelmed by things that need fixing or adjusting. Whatever, do not fall into inaction. Each small step forward matters, that one step is progress. […]

WHAT IF?…Winnegrad

                                                   Pooh and Piglet were walking through the woods and Piglet said, “WHAT IF a tree falls down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?” “WHAT IF it did not,” said Pooh. After careful thought, Piglet was comforted by this. Think on this for a while, quite thought provoking, Yes? WHAT […]


                                       We first must start with ourselves, by SMILING. Yes, SMILING.  SMILING releases natural mood boosters that reduces stress.  SMILING also helps you appear more approachable and trustworthy, making people more likely to want to assist you if you are struggling. SO FEELING LOW, GIVE SMILING A TRY. SMILING also boosts the […]


                                             It has to start on the inside. For  Always It’s The Hope, on the inside.  FAITH and HOPE are a combination of; complete trust, belief, loyalty, reliance, devoted, reliable. Where is this found in the inside? FAITH and HOPE are found in the heart and soul. We all know where the heart is found. The […]


                                         The EMOTIONS; anger, sadness, grief, pensiveness, fear, and fright. These Emotions if excessive can affect the body. It is known that if one of these EMOTIONS is too much in the brain, the brain will pass off that excessiveness to the weakest part of the body. Such as the […]


                                    Pablo Picasso said; “The meaning of life is to find your gift, THE PURPOSE of life is to pass it on.” How many of you have been blessed to acquire knowledge, skill, good traits, without SHARING them or PASSING THEM ON. That is not what the Creator wishes for. […]


                                                                                 Go calmly among the noise, haste and remember what peace there may be in silence. As much as possible without surrender be on good terms with everyone. Speak the truth to all always, and listen to all, even those that have a different perspective than yours. Avoid the […]


                                    UPSIDE-DOWN means; bottom-side up, rear-end foremost, the wrong way. I’m afraid that some of us are existing with their BOTTOM-SIDE UP. They are driven through life with the word I. That word, I, means ego. When you flip that word over or you stand right side up, it still […]


                                               I heard the DELIGHTFUL news, on television, that 40% of adults sleep with a stuffed animal. I was so delighted to hear this, being that I am one of the 40%. I must admit I didn’t start this until my older years. As those that get older, into the […]